01: Write some basic things about yourself
02: 10 likes & dislikes
03: Your day, in great detail
04: The meaning behind your url
05: Five places you want to visit
06: What band/musician is most important to you?
07: Do you read? What are your favourite books?
08: Your style
09: Pet Peeves
10: If you could only live off of one food and one beverage for the rest of your life, what would they be?
11: What is your favourite quotes?
12: Screenshot your lockscreen and phone background
13: Three confessions of your choice
14: Provide pictures of 5 celebrity crushes
15: Name the TV show that you are addicted to
16: If the world were to end tomorrow, what would you do with your remaining time on earth?
17: What do you want to be when you get older?
18: Your make-up
19: List all the places you’ve lived at
20: Your first concert
21: Turn ons & Turn offs
22: A picture of what you wore today
23: Your best buy
24: Your dream home
25: Most life changing experience
26: Some little things that make you feel good
27: A hundred
28: A photo of something you ate today
29: A picture of yourself
30: Things you look forward to










Kul med såna challenges! :)

Life of Johanna



roligt med en lista :)

My Fredblad

Börjar du med det i morgon eller? :)


Kul med en lista. Perfekt om man inte har något att blogga om:)


Vilken rolig lista!